Events – ISPMF Secretory Pathway workshop


The secretory pathway – room for improvement is an online workshop hosted by the International Society for Plant Molecular Farming (ISPMF) in collaboration with the InnCoCells consortium on 6 December 2024.

The workshop will feature short presentations by three speakers on diverse topics related to plant molecular farming and the InnCoCells project:

Dr Alain Goossens, CVIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology and InnCoCells WP1 leader: ER engineering in the context of small molecule production: plants versus yeasts      

Laura Niemelä, Aalto University, Finland: Shaping the ER membrane curvature of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to enhance its production capacity

Prof. Eva Stoger, BOKU, Austria: Tailoring the endomembrane system for recombinant protein production in plants

The workshop will begin at 1.20 PM (UK time) and is open to ISPMF members and non-members. Registration for the workshop is required.