Events – InnCoCells fifth project meeting


The fifth InnCoCells project meeting was held in Luxembourg on 5-7 June 2023, with most of the project partners in attendance along with many of the members of the InnCoCells Stakeholder Group. The Management Committee meeting was held on 5 June, between two days of presentations by the work package leaders to provide progress updates up to month 24 of the project, as well as guest presentations by Prof. Lucien Hoffmann (Director, ERIN Dept of LIST) and Dr Sylvain Legay (Senior R&T Associate, LIST). The second day of the meeting included meetings of the General Assembly and Exploitation Committee, and the third day focused on the activities of the Stakeholder Group, including work package reports followed by feedback and productive discussions with our stakeholders.

The next project meeting will be an online event in November 2023.